Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, January 01, 2011

I Thessalonians 5:13, 14

"And esteem them beyond all measure with sacrificial love because of their work. Be a peace among yourselves." (I Thessalonians 5:13)

Because of their work in the ministry, church leaders should be given an overabundance of sacrificial love. Many Christian leaders receive an overabundance of something quite different! Paul's command regarding peace in this context hints at some minor conflict.

"And I admonish you all, brothers, warn the disorderly, gently influence the fainthearted, hold up the weak, be patient with everyone." (I Thessalonians 5:14)

Paul makes it clear that we are to be wise with how we minister to people. There may have been a problem in this respect among the leaders in this church. We should not deal with everyone the same. A person who is deliberately being a problem needs a firm warning. A person with a timid spirit needs gentle encouragement. A person who is weak in the faith needs to be supported. And we are to be patient with every person.


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