Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

I Thessalonians 3:10-11

"Night and day I make an over abundance of requests to see your face and to mend the shortcomings of your faith." (I Thessalonians 3:10)

Paul kept before the Lord a stack of travel requests. He was asking all the time that he could go visit them. Not just for the sake of seeing them but so that he could minister to them. His reference to their shortcomings should not be taken as criticism. All of us have shortcomings in our faith. Paul may have felt that these shortcomings were his fault because he spent so little time with them.

"Now may God Himself even our Father and the Lord Jesus make straight our road to you." (I Thessalonians 3:11)

While he was writing to them, Paul sends in another travel request. He asks that God give him a straight road back to Thessalonica. The idea is that of a quick and easy journey. Paul was asking that God remove the obstacles that Satan had put on the road. (see 2:18)


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