Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Suffering is Caused by the Actions of Others

All the pain, famine and death caused by wars, crime, and government mismanagement can be traced to the greed, pride and wickedness of man.

If you turn on your television or open a newspaper, you are confronted by the evil actions of people. Violent crimes are becoming common. Murder, rape, beatings, wife abuse, and child abuse are all every day events. Suffering is also caused by the actions of government.

For example, the policies of the government of North Korea has increased the suffering of her people. If this government was less isolationist and was less militant, more humanitarian aid would reach the people.


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