Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Another act of worship is Baptism. After a person has trusted in Jesus as Saviour, the first step of obedience is baptism. Baptism is a public testimony that a person has been born again.

When the person being baptized is immersed under the water, he is picturing the death and burial of Jesus. He is saying by his actions that Jesus died in His place. In baptism, he is publicly declaring that he has trusted in the death of Christ to pay for His sins.

When the person comes up from under the water, it is a picture of the resurrection of Christ. Jesus rose from the dead. When we are saved, we die to our old lives and take on a new life obeying God. Baptism pictures this in a public manner.

Being at a service where people are baptized, should lead us to renew our own commitment to God. A person being baptized reminds us that God is still seeking and saving people. It encourages us to go out and witness to those who have never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

It reminds us that we are not alone in serving God. Here is a new Christian taking the first step of obedience to Christ. Here is a new member of God's family publicly announcing that they will follow Christ. It reminds us that when we are gone, others will be there to take our place.

Baptism is important for the individual being baptized and for the encouragement of the Church family.


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