Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, December 28, 2006


In order to mature spiritually, we need a personal relationship with God. We also need close friends who are committed Christians. Man is not an island unto himself. He is greatly effected by those around him.

A Christian's closest friends should be other Christians. It is best if these friends agree with you about the basic teachings of Scripture. Friends can be a great source of strength, comfort and help.

The Bible has much to say about friendship. Amos 3:3 teaches that friends must have a common interest. Friendship is based on one or more areas of agreement. If this agreement is concerning spiritual things, the friendship has a solid foundation.

To take this to an extreme is to ignore the example of Christ. Those closest to Jesus were His disciples. They were His best friends. He spent more time with them than with any others.
However Jesus was called a friend of sinners. (Matthew 11:19) We should have friends who are not Christian. We can use our friendship to draw them to Christ.

Christian fellowship is also found in Church activities. Worship services and Bible studies should be a time of fellowship with the Lord and with other believers. Other Church centered times, such as special celebrations, ministering to those in need, or other activities, should bring Christians closer together, provide mutual encouragement and strengthen spiritual commitment.


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