Christian Foundations

This blog will contain some basic Bible teaching from an Evangelical Christian worldview. I will welcome questions and comments, as long as they are relevant.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Not Another Gospel

"There is really no other good news. But some people are making you think wrong things. They want to change the good news of Christ." (Galatians 1:7, Worldwide English Version)

If we disagree with someone concerning some doctrines this should not stop us from being their comrade. However, if someone teaches another way of salvation, we cannot and should not fellowship with him or her. Such a person is leading people into hell. We should have nothing to do with them.

Paul states that the teaching of his opponents is another gospel (good news) of a different kind than his. It is not another gospel of the same kind. It is a counterfeit gospel.

This false gospel had caused the Galatians inner trouble. They had lost the peace of God that comes with the true Gospel. They were perplexed, confused and unable to rest in their faith. The gospel of works for salvation brings slavery and death. The gospel of Grace brings freedom and life.

The word for pervert or change in verse 7 is translated from the Greek word, metastrepho. It means a complete reversal or a change to the opposite. These false teachers were taking the Gospel of Christ and making it into the exact opposite. Rather than depending upon God alone for salvation, they were depending upon themselves.


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